Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Metal contraptions

You're not supposed to spend hours using single muscles moving strange metal contraptions in time to bad house music. sarcasm sarcastic sarcophagi sarcophagus sardonically sarge saris sarong sartorial sartorially sash sashes sat satan satanically satchel satchels sated satellite satellites satiate satiated satiation satin sating satins satinwood satiny satire satires satiric satirical satirically satirise satirised satirises satirising satirist satirists satisfaction satisfactions satisfactorily satisfactory satisfiable satisfied satisfies satisfy satisfying satisfyingly satrap satraps satsumas saturate saturated saturates saturating saturation saturday saturn saturnalia saturnine satyr satyric satyrs sauce saucepan saucepans saucer saucers sauces saucier sauciest saucily sauciness saucy saudi saudis sauerkraut sauna saunas saunter sauntered sauntering saunters sausage sausages saute savage savaged savagely savagery savages savaging savanna savannah savant savants save saver saves saving savings saviour saviours savour savoured savouring savours savoury savvy saw sawdust sawed sawing sawmill sawmills sawn saws sawtooth sawyer sawyers saxon saxons saxony saxophone saxophones say saying scab scabbard scabbards scabbed scabby scabies scabs scaffold scaffolding scaffolds scalability scalable scalar scalars scald scalded scale scaled scalene scales scaling scallop scalloped scallops scalp scalped scalpel scalpels scalping scalps scaly scam scamp scamped scamper scampered scampering scampi scams scan scandal scandalise scandalised scandalous scandalously scandals scanned scanner scanners scanning scans scansion scant scantier scantiest scantily scantiness scanty scape scar scarce scarcely scarceness scarcer scarcest scarcities scarcity scare scarecrow scarecrows scarfs scariest scarified scarify scarifying scarily scaring scarlet scarlets scarp scarred scarring scars scarves scary scat scathe scathed scathing scathingly scatological scatter scattered scatterer scatterers scattering scatterings scatters scavenge scavenged scavenger scavengers scavenging scenario scene scenery scenes scenic

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